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Dr Kelly Thompson, DC's Articles


Exercise induced Paralysis in a young Labrador Retriever Dog

What you don't know can hurt your companion

By Kelly Thompson, DC



Exercise induced paralysis in Dogs is a perplexing issue that can be resolved easilyThis case wasn't so much a technique learning experience but a discovery for me concerning why some dog's spines become more damaged and symptomatic at an earlier age than others. I hope you will find this discovery as interesting and rewarding as I did.


A black field Laborador named Crew was an energetic one year-old at the time she was referred to me with a perplexing problem that seemed to defy diagnosis by more than one Veterinarian. For all intents and purposes Crew was a normal hyperactive young Black Lab and never exhibited the malady during Veterinary visits. However after vigorous exercise she would become completely paralyzed in her hind legs.  (continue reading Exercise induced Paralysis in Dogs)

Luxating Patellae in Dogs

Often a case of mistaken identity

By Kelly Thompson, DC


Picture of a dog holding his left rear leg off of the floorIn my 35 years treating animals I have had the opportunity to examine countless toy and miniature breed dogs who were diagnosed with one or more luxating patellae. This is where the Knee Cap slips out the groove at the knee and is often blamed for intermittent lameness. Typically the dog will hold the rear leg up high suddenly and trot three legged for a while. You often see the pup kick or extend the leg as if to “pop” the knee cap back into the groove and resume normal gait.


What has always struck me as a curious occurrence is that in a large number of cases the luxating patellae appear to have pre-existed the lameness that eventually prompted the pet owner to seek Veterinary intervention. In other words, the knee cap has been slipping in and out for years prior to the onset of limping. (continue reading Luxating Patellae in Dogs)


Why can't my Doctor tell me why my dog is hurting?

What is causing my Dogs Pain?

By Kelly Thompson, DC


Picture of a dog in pain being examined by a Veterinarian who can't figure out why the patient is hurtingSince 1983 when I was confronted with my first animal patient, the top three reasons pet owners have sought out my services for their companions over the years are, Dogs with Neck or Back pain; Dogs who are limping or lame; and Dogs who have become weak and uncoordinated in their rear legs. Having worked alongside Veterinarians for decades I believe I can accurately describe how these cases are generally handled at Veterinary clinics and hospitals. As an aside, years ago I did a survey of many of the Veterinarians I worked with concerning what percentage of Dogs seeking their services were Neurologic and/or Musculoskeletal cases. That is Dogs with Neck or Back pain, Limping or lameness issues, or dogs who exhibited loss of strength or loss of coordination in the hind legs. The Vet’s responses varied but the average was nearly one in three dogs come to their Veterinarian for these conditions. Additionally, it was expressed to me by more than one that these are also up there with the most frustrating cases they deal with on daily basis as well. Why is that you might ask? (continue reading Why is my dog hurting?)




Understanding your Dog's MRI Study

What can they tell you?

By Kelly Thompson, DC


Picture of what an MRI unit looks likeHydrogen ions in the body are the most prevalent ions in the body primarily because the most abundant element in our bodies is Water or H20. Think of these H+ ions as spinning like planets on their axes. In the body the axes of all these ions align randomly canceling out any magnetic effects caused by their spin.  However, when the body is brought near a strong magnetic field their axes all align relative to this magnetic field of the magnet. Now adding energy in the form of a radio frequency pulse from a surface coil near the body at the same time excites the H+ ions.


When the RF pulse is turned off, the hydrogen ions slowly return to their natural alignment within the magnetic field and release the energy absorbed from the RF pulses. When they do this, they give off a signal that the coils pick up and are sent to the computer system. The computer receives the signals from the spinning H+ ions as mathematical data. The data is subsequently converted into a picture of the tissue(s) being imaged. (continue reading MRI for Dogs)



Immune Mediated Meningitis in Dogs A.K.A

MUE or Meningioencephalitis of Unknown Etiology

  Creative Diagnosis, Dangerous Treatment!

By Kelly Thompson, DC


Doctor Holding a sign that reads Medical Error.There is a new condition apparently that has been discovered in the field of Veterinary Neurology. It is called Immune Mediated Meningitis in dogs and strangely only affects Dogs. Now there is an old saying in medicine, “when you hear the sound of hoof beats think horses, not zebras."  This is an admonition to doctors to think of a more common condition that would yield the signs and symptoms that a patient presents with before conjuring up in their minds some rare or less common condition. Well some Veterinary Neurologist has just defined the existence of a Unicorn in the herd! It would be laughable if the consequences of their prescribed treatment weren’t so dire for our animal companions. I am hoping that this creative diagnostic and therapeutic “witch hunt” was born of the frustration in dealing with dogs suffering from chronic or intractable back or neck problems and not purely financially motivated. You can make your own determination. I will explain how I believe this came about. (Continue reading MUE)

Before considering Laser Treatments for your Dog

Read about a New Light Therapy Technology

By Kelly Thompson, DC


Infrared or Cold laser technology hasn't lived up to its Billing. I how should I know? I used Cold or Infrared Lasers for over a DecadeA brief history of therapeutic lasers is in order to give you a better understanding of the technology. Years ago Infrared Lasers found their way into the fields of physical medicine, physical therapy, and chiropractic.  To understand this newer light therapy technology that I utilize called PetLight®, let me first describe the original light therapy modality. Infrared laser is also called Cold Laser because it produces no or minimal heat.  Technically described as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) to differentiate it from other more powerful laser applications used in the health care fields, this form of therapy had its origin in a serendipitous discovery by Hungarian professor and physician Dr. Endre Mester in 1969.  At the time Dr. Mester was investigating the use of high power lasers to destroy cancerous tumors.  In his early experiments he implanted tumor cells beneath the skin of laboratory rats and then “zapped” the tumor cells with his custom ruby (red light) laser. (continue reading New Technology in Light Therapy)


Read this before agreeing to Cruciate Surgery

Do all dogs with Cruciate laxity in the knee require surgery?

By Kelly Thompson, DC


Cruciate Surgery for Dogs is a big cash cow for the Veterinary profession but research has shown that there are alternatives to surgeryTo date the gold standard for dogs with Anterior (Cranial) Cruciate Ligament injury with laxity has been to perform an immediate  TPLO or Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy or a newer procedure called a TTA or Tibial Tuberosity Advancement.  The Internet has full descriptions of each of these procedures if you desire to "drill down" (pun intended) into the intricacies of the surgeries themselves. In this article I will, in addition to providing you with my personal experience treating Dogs with cruciate injuries, provide you with a Veterinarian and researcher's synopsis of the facts concerning these procedures.  In an article written in Veterinary Practice News, titled," Questioning Canine Cruciate Ligament Surgery. See why these 8 claims that surgery is the best option for your canine patients are false,  author Narda Robinson DO, DVM summarizes the research concerning Cruciate Ligament Surgery and the take home message is that these surgeries are not necessary in many of the cases that present themselves to Veterinarians with cruciate injuries. The link to the Article: . Having personally observed the TPLO surgery being performed, I can attest that it is anything but a simple non-traumatic procedure and my viewpoint over the years mirrors that of Dr. Robinson.(continue reading Cruciate Surgery)

Is Animal Chiropractic Legal in your State?

For Chiropractors, find out in this Article

By Kelly Thompson, DC


Map of the United States showing boaders of each stateThis data was current as of September 2019 so please be advised that the following can not and should not be construed as the final word regarding whether it is legal or not in your state to perform chiropractic treatment on animals.  The following compilation took many months and involved contacting state boards in all 50 states and coding the data to make it easy to search and follow.  I did my utmost to provide accurate and current information on this subject but cannot certify complete accuracy inasmuch as state regulations can change at any time. So the responsibility is yours and yours alone to perform your own due diligence and to determine for yourself whether your particular state allows you to legally perform chiropractic treatment on animals and within which legal or regulatory parameters you are allowed to perform such treatments. I encourage you to follow the extensive links and contact information I have provided for each state to follow-up and determine the current status of your state for yourself.  (Link to Animal Chiropractic State by State)

Chiropractors Treating Animals

 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Part 1 of 3)

Article in Dynamic Chiropractic

By Kelly Thompson, DC


 Chiropractor treating a PugIt is no secret that since B.J. Palmer first demonstrated adjusting a circus elephant, animals have been receiving Chiropractic adjustments routinely along with their human counterparts. I am one of a small contingent of Chiropractors who devotes their time and skill to helping animals as a full-time practice. Over this past year I completed a research project contacting every State Board to determine the status of laws concerning Chiropractors treating animals in each of the 50 states. If you are going to embark on this journey as I did years ago it is mandatory to “know before you go!” Now with attribution to the venerable film maker Sergio Leone and his “Spaghetti Westerns,” his famous movie title will act as framework as we explore the many facets of Chiropractors venturing into the Veterinary milieu across our nation in this three-part article. (Continue to Dynamic Chiropractic Article)

Chiropractors Treating Animals

 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Part 2 of 3)

Article in Dynamic Chiropractic

By Kelly Thompson, DC


 Animal Chiropractor Treating a PupIn the previous installment we discussed the many “good” aspects of Chiropractors venturing into the Veterinary arena. However, few worthwhile endeavors in life are all “sunshine and lollipops,” so let us now explore the other side of the ledger.


Although it isn’t necessarily bad to seek to improve your education and skill, know up front that what you learned in Chiropractic college is minimally adequate to the task. Furthermore, it is vital to learn about diseases, maladies, and time critical conditions that you must recognize in your animal patient lest you contribute through ignorance and inaction to their untimely demise.  Even your palpation skills will be challenged. Examining animal patients brings entirely new meaning to the concept of motion palpation.

 (Continue to Dynamic Chiropractic Article)

Chiropractors Treating Animals

 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Part 3 of 3)

Article in Dynamic Chiropractic

By Kelly Thompson, DC


 Animal Chiropractor Treating a Pup“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer, German Philosopher (1788-1860)


I put it a different way. “If you build a better mousetrap the world will beat a path to your door. But not before well entrenched mousetrap makers with political connections do their utmost to destroy you and your new improved mousetrap!” Kelly Thompson, DC, Armchair Philosopher.


It is a sad testament that when you are able with your knowledge and skill to bring a paralyzed dog back to full function at a cost of hundreds of dollars and by doing so prevent upwards of $13,000 going into the coffer of the local Veterinary Neurologist or Veterinary Orthopedic specialist who has insisted to the desperate client that an MRI followed by back surgery is their only hope at saving their beloved companion, you make enemies. (Continue to Dynamic Chiropractic Article)


© 2018 Dr KellyThompson,DC all rights reserved

371 1st St, Los Altos, CA 94022, and 412 S Adams St, #118, Fredericksburg, Tx 78624 Phone: CA: 650-218-5512 and TX: 830-992-0987

Cruciate Surgery for Dogs is a big cash cow for the Veterinary profession but research has shown that there are alternatives to surgery

Cruciate Surgery for Dogs is a big cash cow for the Veterinary profession but research has shown that there are alternatives to surgery

Picture of what an MRI unit looks like

© 2018, Chiropractor for Animals, Dr KellyThompson,DC all rights reserved

371 1st St, Los Altos, CA 94022, and 412 S Adams St, #118, Fredericksburg, Tx 78624 Phone: CA: 650-218-5512 and TX: 830-992-0987